Các định dạng có sẵn 25歳の女子高生 Quét an toàn : 06/29/2024 Đồng hồ đeo tay HD Tải xuống HD

25歳の女子高生 - Season 1 Episode 5

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Hana’s heart races as Kanie stares at her. With a serious expression, Kanie says, “Skirt length, makeup, hair… all against code.” “What?!” That’s right, this is a dress code inspection. Hana, summoned for punishment to a prep room after class, explains that she is only dressed this way to look like her cousin Kaho. Nevertheless he asks if she intends to disobey a teacher in a seductive voice and draws closer… After they do it, Kaho looses something important! What could it be? You’ll have to watch to find out!
Tập phim : 12 Tập phim
Mùa : 1 Mùa
Thời gian chạy: 6 phút
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