Các định dạng có sẵn One Piece Quét an toàn : 06/29/2024 Đồng hồ đeo tay HD Tải xuống HD

One Piece - Season 21 Episode 944 Cuồng phong ập đến! Big Mom đại náo loạn!

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After the skirmish inside the Flower Capital, Kin'emon confesses to Ashura Doji that he provoked Holdem into attacking Mt. Atama. When Ashura becomes angry, Kin'emon admits his mistake for trying to force Ashura to join the rebellion and once again begs him for his help. After Chopper's group arrives at the Prisoner Mines, Big Mom breaks in. During her search for oshiruko, she gets into a fight with Queen.
Tập phim : 1112 Tập phim
Mùa : 22 Mùa
Thời gian chạy: 24 phút
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